Latitude Longitude Database


Canadian Postal Code Mixed Case Database

The Canadian postal codes database includes Postal code, uppercase and mixed case city name, province name, phone area code, timezone, elevation, population, latitude, longitude and street name in Canada. The complete database contains over

Area Code Database (Platinum Edition)

North American area codes database one month subscription service. Included in this database is NPA (area code), NXX (exchange), thousand block, country, state, county, latitude, longitude, LATA, timezone, day light saving, population, FIPS, MSA,


North American Area Code Database (Gold Edition)

North American area codes database one month subscription service. Included in this database is NPA (area code), NXX (exchange), country, state, county, latitude, longitude, LATA, timezone, day light saving, population, FIPS, MSA, PMSA, CBSA, ZIP

North American Area Code Database (Premium Edition)

North American area codes database one month subscription service. Included in this database is NPA (area code), NXX (exchange), country, state, county, latitude, longitude, LATA, timezone, day light saving, population, FIPS, MSA, PMSA, CBSA and

USA ZIP Code Weather Station Database

United States ZIP codes database subscription service includes the nearest weather observation station code and name, ZIP code, city name, alias name, state code, phone area code, county name, FIPS, time zone, day light saving flag, latitude,

US ZIP Code Demographics

United States ZIP codes database one month subscription service. The database includes educational attainment, marital status, household incomes, occupation, unemployment, poverty rate, races, ages, ZIP code, city name, alias name, state code,

SatCalc  v.1 2

You can enter your City/State OR Zipcode and it outputs a lot of useful information like Azimuth, Elevation, Latitude, Longitude, and Magnetic Deviation.

Suncycle  v.1 1

Suncycle is a calendar showing the sunrise and sunset time for a latitude/longitude and timezone You can also configurate in the aboutscreen the winter and summer time offset. On the sunrise/set a mediafile can be activated (image and sound).

Generate  v.1.0

Generate is a simple serial telegram simulator that can be used to emulate hardware that is often interfaced to LUSBL V6 and Fusion systems. It simulates fixed or dynamic values for pitch, roll, heading, latitude, longitude and depth.

Gps2jpeg  v.4.0

Insert exif data in your jpeg images with this software. gps2jpeg is Esse program insere as tags exif de latitude, longitude e altitude em imagens jpeg realizando o geo-posicionamento das imagens, para isto utiliza tracklogs de aparelhos de GPS With

Pysolar  v.0.2.0

Pysolar is a Python library for calculating the position of the sun relative to the earth as a function of latitude, longitude, and time.

Mexico Postal Code Database (Gold Edition)

Mexico postal codes database one month subscription service. The database includes postal code, city name, colony name, state abbreviation, state name, latitude and longitude, time zone and area code in Mexico. The complete database contains over

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